Pre-Purchase Timber Pest Inspection
Rothmark Timber Pest Inspection will inspect and inform you of any timber pest activity and/or past damage. (Termites & Borers). At Rothmark, we are assisted with specialised tools and equipment. We will identify issues, that increase infestation risks and will recommend possible treatment.
Our timber pest inspection covers: Termites, Borers, Wood Rots & Fungal Decays. Pests like termites, wood borers, mould and fungus can cause thousands of dollars of damage if gone undetected for delayed periods to your property and may put your health and safety at risk. Regrettably, many areas of Australia are prone to pest damage.
Termites can rapidly cause damage to a property. They travel considerable distances to find timber to feed on and within a short time can cause irreversible and permanent damage to timber frames. They may also cause structural damage to the main supporting timber frames of the building, putting your whole structure in danger.
Termites are very difficult to identify because they travel underground and more than often enter a building unseen.
Rothmark inspectors will inspect for current termite infestations as well as evidence of old activity and check the integrity of your frames.